I went into labor at 11:45pm march 24th 2018, sped to the hospital as my babies always come quick

I went into labor at 11:45pm march 24th 2018, sped to the hospital as my babies always come quick! Got there and by the time I got there I was dilated to a 7 already, the nurses were rushing around getting all the stuff prepared, they blew my veins trying to get an IV in 6 times after that they finally was able to find one, they hurried up and gave me fentanyl which did not help whatsoever..I told them he's coming!! I said he's hurting me so bad!! Trying to breathe through the contractions but that didn't help..the dr came in broke my water at 12:25 am on March 25th 2018, he was taking his sweet old time getting his gown on and gloves he wasn't even done getting prepared and out came out baby boy at 12:32am! So glad that he was out..he was not waiting whatsoever!!