Can guys be 100% honest?


I had a talk with my fiancé that I was uncomfortable with him re-activating his Instagram account without telling me and trying to keep it from me, then he told me that he did tell me which I not remember so I was mad and scared that he might be doing some sort of gas lighting. Well I got over it but he said if it’s something I’ll be worried about he’ll delete it. It would’ve been totally fine if he told me before or after but I was suspicious because he started going on his phone all the time facing away from me and going to the bathroom and using it for 30+ minutes at a time. But a couple days later I found out he got it again and it gets deleted on and off while I’m with him. So we talked again and he said he didn’t tell me because he didn’t think it was a big deal to tell me and I said no, you knew what I’ll say if I knew you had it again and hid it from me. He admitted he did try to hide it and felt bad. I mean, all I asked him to do is to tell me if he was using it! Anyways he apologized a lot and was scared it would make me leave him. I love him the same amount, now I realize he could lie about small things like that. I didn’t want to act petty and insecure about it but he’s always the one who wants me to open up with him and always be truthful to each other so it was kind of a letdown. I forgave him for this because it’s doesn’t feel so much of a big deal but he just didn’t seem like the person to try to hide stuff. Maybe I’m just not a person that lies, but do guys lie about stuff often? Before my fiancé I’ve dated very serious liars and cheaters so I’m not sure if my standards are just off.

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