Random, annoying itching at night? 🧐


I’ve had this for over a year and it makes me want to claw my skin off. It only happens at night when I’m halfway dozing off. It’s like random little pings of itching. No bites, no redness, no rashes or dry skin. It feels like someone is lifting up each little skin cell and playing with it. It wakes me up, which jolts my nerves, which just leads to more itching. It’s currently 3 am and I’d like to fall asleep sometime soon. Sometimes I wake up with scratch marks where I claw at it.

I’ve tried everything. Oatmeal bath, unscented soap, washing sheets in unscented detergent, and rubbing anti itch cream all over. What even is this? I’ve googled it and nothing comes up. The closest thing has been the phantom itch that amputees get in their removed limb.