False negative?


Hello ladies!

To cut a long story short...

- last period 1st-6th June

- ovulating 12th-18th June

- period is 9 days late (expected July 1st)

- tested negative by self pregnancy test on 9th July (Clearblue digital ‘How Many Weeks’ HPT)

I have experienced...

- nausea, but no vomiting

- loss of weight

- frequent dizziness/light-headedness

- increased tiredness

- moodiness

- urinating more frequently and larger amounts

- bloating

- mild stomach cramping

- change in bowel movements (less frequent)

- thick white vaginal discharge

- metallic taste in mouth (June 10th)

- legs buckled as tried to stand up (July 8th)

My menstrual cycle is typically very regular and this is completely out of the ordinary.

Could the “not pregnant” result have been a false negative?

Could something else be causing my period to be so late?

I don’t know if I should seek medical attention or wait it out for longer to see if my period comes.

**My partner and I aren’t trying for a baby however, pregnancy would not be a problem. I only ask for advice as I haven’t been pregnant before & do not know how to recognise the signs or symptoms, or know what next steps I should take. ANY advice or comments would be much appreciated.

Thank you, in advance 💕