Worrys about my grandpa. Is any of this weird or worrying?

Okay so I'll start by saying I am only 18 and 29 weeks pregnant. I'm excited and so is my whole family. Now I have some concerns about my grandpa and don't know how to go about this stuff. He's always been controlling but it's gotten a lot worse as I get further along. He practically raised me until I was ten also. So ill make a list of some of the stuff he does. Some I can't remember though.

1. Told me I HAD to live with him. Said I had no choice and I need to live with him. I don't know why.

2. Stole my bank card from my room because I "need to save" I get that but, I'm 18 and can save myself. The fact that he literally stole it while I wasn't home and made me think it was lost for days makes me mad. But I get the saving part. I have a full time job.

3. Told me if he sees me giving my baby a soother he'll throw it in the garbage. I told him that's my decision but he's deadset on it. He said "if I see one in her mouth I will through it out. I don't care if it's expensive, I don't want her having one." I don't know if this is that bad though.

4. At my anatomy scan I got three pictures so I printed two copies with my own money, one for me and one for my boyfriend. I told my grandpa he could have the original. You all know how the original us photos are all flimsy and what not? He threw a full on fit because he didn't want the originals and wanted the ones I bought. I stood my ground and said no, original or nothing but he ignored me for hours so I felt bad and gave him the other ones. He was happy after and we had no problems.

5. Constantly tries to get me to breakup with my boyfriend, the father of my child (we've been together since we were 12 and 13) because I spend too much time with him and not with my grandpa.

6. Makes fun of me for eating sweets and says I'm fat and the baby will be fat I just want some damn cake. He gets mad at me for eating one piece of cake.

7. Just says I HAVE to do stuff involving my baby

8. Absolutely hates my boyfriends parents. They wanted me to get an abortion at first and since he's Christian he was totally against that. I told them no and they apologized. I love them and make everything civil. Even my parents do but he just can't for some reason. He gets mad when I go to there house. He gets mad when I invite them to stuff for the baby like the baby shower. I just wish he'd put his feelings aside and be nice or neutral but he won't and it stresses me out cause i love them all and feel like I have to pick sides sometimes...

8. At the us they typically let 2-3 people in but I had five with me. My boyfriend, his parents and my grandparents. I begged them to let them all come see because it was the last scan. My grandparents had been to two already but my boyfriend and his parents hadn't been to any but my grandparents said they had to come see and it was their right. Anyways they let them all in so I go to tell them all to come BUT my freakin grandpa makes a scene in front of everyone and refuses to go in if my future mil is in there. I was upset because I really wanted him to see too but I couldn't convince him. It was supposed to be happy, we got to find our the gender and see our precious baby but he made me upset and stressed instead.

9. Wouldn't let me go baby shopping with my bf and his parents. He said no when all four of us asked (even tho im 18 and can make my own damn decisions, out of respect I ask) and got mad and ran away. So I went with him. Now on our way to the mall he says "why didn't you go with them? You could've you know?" All innocently and nice. Like what?? Mixed signals.

10. Calls my future mil a with and says she's satanic and blah blah blah.

11. I was wearing some comfy shorts and a t shirt In the shirt you could see a little cleavage because I have size E boobs and my cleavage is up to my neck. He said "are you really gonna where that out?" "I mean it's just most pregnant women don't wear stuff like that. It looks slutty." It was 40 degrees out and I was going swimming. I didn't think it was slutty, just normal.

12. Always says things to hurt my feelings low key. He knows he's hurting me but just doesn't seem to care.

13. Ignores me if I haven't spent enough time with him.

14. Literally won't let me do anything. He won't let me bowl or go swimming cause he says it can hurt the baby.

15. Won't take me to get my g2 because he says I'm not ready. Then he complains that I won't go get it.

16. Gets mad at me for buying baby stuff because he thinks I'll get everything at the baby shower.

17. Refuses to not kiss my baby's face even tho I've told him no one can and why I'm not letting them.

I'm sorry this seems like a rant. I just want to know everyone's opinion. Am I being dramatic? I feel like I am honestly and I feel bad for being upset about any of this. Theres a lot more but I forget. I don't know what to do. I feel I'm being dramatic so I haven't said anything. And I don't know if I will say anything because I have a hard time standing up for myself. Do any of you lady's have some advice, I really need it. If you got this far thank you so much for reading.

Should've added this, I don't live with him but he lives a couple minutes away from me so he's always at my house or I'm at his I can't go anywhere without him since I don't have my g2