Why Does He Do This?

Kaitlyn • Mom to one 👦🏼 and three 🐶

We’ve been together for several years, living together almost three. In the last year or two, he started doing this annoying ass thing, he thinks it’s funny while I clearly don’t agree. I’ll have somewhere I want to be at a certain time and we’re going together, but he makes some stupid ass stipulation like I have to say he’s the greatest specimen anyone’s ever seen, or that I have to get his clothes for him. Turns into a total fucking child, and I try to impress that we’re on a time limit and need to leave now. I will say that it’s not funny to me, and we need to go, I’m literally just trying to get him up to take a shower or walk out the door or something and he just fucking stonewalls until I do whatever stupid demand he’s laid out, making us inevitably like an hour late. Every god damn time. If he’s not happy with the first one, he’ll add another. And then, act like I’m being a bitch because instead of just getting up, getting ready, and going, he pushed me through all this bullshit just because I want to be somewhere ON TIME. But god forbid we be late to something he wants to do, even ten minutes late and he decides we’re not going. Spent half a day on my ass once because he relayed the wrong time to me and that’s what time I told childcare. Easy fix, but he still got pissy over it. I wanna add I’m 9 weeks pregnant and I don’t really have mood swings, but I’m pissed at this point. We’re supposed to be driving somewhere two hours away for a family day outing while his sister is visiting and he’s being a huge pain in the ass, I’m driving and I don’t want to be driving back at 10pm tonight, feeling kinda upset to the stomach like I already am 🤬