can i still b pregnant??


can some one plz help me?? im 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant...i started spotting like 2 weeks ago it waz like a dark brown color i dident cramp at all it lasted for like a couple hours..the next day i waz just fine...ok i went to my obgyn doctor she did an ultrasound on me n told me right away i waz haveing a miscarriage that same day she took blood from me n told me the next day my blood level had went up...i got happy real happy cuz i rhought i still would b able to have a baby...well i went to the dr again today n they told me the same thing i waz haveing a miscarriage cuz they dont c a heart beat..😢😢😰😰😥😪😭can some 1 plz give me there advice..