Maybe next month

Briyah • 🇬🇩 🇵🇷 🇬🇭 Loving life

I really need to vent.

I recently experienced a loss and went through another d&c.; This wasn’t a first, far from it actually, however it isn’t any easier. With prayer my husband and I are trying to remain strong. The doctor suggested we wait a cycle and try again. I had a difficult time controlling my bleeding and was prescribed medroxyprogestrone - provera (10 days). Post surgery, I didn’t have a cycle for 2 months. I knew it was wise to wait because the doctors said if I conceive we can risk a loss due to the thinned uterine lining. I hoped the a no show was blessing. I had a light, almost non existent flow shortly after I stopped the medication in May and I figured this was maybe positive sign. Well fast forward to today and Aunt Flo shows her unwelcoming face. I guess this is better because if we had conceived I would be considered high risk and I would have to be monitored; appointments every 2 weeks. With prayer and support we will remain strong.

Thank you for listening.