controlling is the worst but im lucky.

I'm glad I don't have to take your phone away, make a point to tell other girls you love me not them, force you to put your arm around me around other girls, be jealous of you being near other people, I don't gotta tell your exes your over them and you never loved them. I don't gotta make up some shitty lie about how we ain't getting married bc neither of us want to when really it's only you who don't want to. I don't gotta look perfect or be nice to anybody and you still love me. When we have fights I ain't gotta share things about how all guys are dicks. I don't gotta constantly post about how perfect we're doing so people will believe me. Bc really nobody's perfect all the time. If your tryna seem like u are it's bc u really ain't. I'm just glad I can be me and not control every move you make. You ain't gotta feel like our relationship is a prison. And I ain't gotta feel like I gotta have sex with you everyday so you don't do it with everybody else. I don't fight with you because I'm jealous of every bitch near me. I trust you. I'm not worried about what you'll do when I'm not around because I know you love me and I don't feel like I gotta prove it anybody else.