Kailey • Wife. Expecting our first Feb 2020. 🤰🏼

Soo, I am so confused with this OPK stuff. This is my first month of trying them out, and I am lost. I’ve also been tracking my BBT. So I just went and took an OPK and from the app, it went straight to positive. Then I decided that couldn’t be right, took another picture and it’s saying it’s the third one down from positive. To me, the line a couple nights ago is darker. One of my apps says I ovulated the 11th, one says I ovulated today, one says I’m ovulating tomorrow, and one says I’m ovulating Sunday. Needless to say, I am beyond confused. My husband and I BD last night with pre-seed, and will be each night this weekend cause I wanna make sure we get something accomplished before he leaves, lol. Unfortunately he goes out of town during the week, so I’m hoping I ovulate soon, or have ovulated. Can you ladies tell me what you think? I’ve also attached my bbt chart. I just really want this to be our month. I’ve felt like it was going to be, but I do not wanna get my heart broken, so staying realistic. (Been TTC since February of this year, so still really early on in trying! I know..)

This chart is from this app. The one from today was determined using the app by taking a pic through the app. If that makes sense. It automatically detected it like that.

These are my actual OPK tests from the first one I took until the most recent one. I almost feel like the ones from CD 15 or 16 are darker or the same darkness.

This is my BBT chart from this month. Could I have possibly ovulated yesterday, CD 16? So confusing.. 😩