Baby Scare


So on the 10th i left to the ER fearing preeclampsia. Once there they wheeled me to labor and dilvery where I was told i was having contractions and I was 3cm dilated. Got steroid shots as i was under 37 weeks, kept. on IV and monitered every 4 hours. Was finally cleared to leave the 12th.

Now today i have menstrual like cramps, feel like i gotta poo, my legs are swollen. Not even my feet! My legs, which is super weird to me! My legs feel numb when i sit or anything. But problem is im not too sure on whether im having contractions or not. Which doesn't help me! i just know its not really painful just slightly.

No its not my first baby. this is my second, but my first i could tell. This one has me stumped.