Should I go to the ER?

Jasmine • 26 💗 happily taken by my love of 3 years💍 mommy to veya 👶🏽❤️

Idk what to do, I have been having cramping all day and feeling like I need to go to the bathroom. Like I feel like I have diarrhea and I’m nauseated. I feel like it could be a virus but also read it’s a sign of preterm labor and I should contact my doctor but I don’t feel like I’m in labor I just feel sick I’m 29 weeks and the baby is moving fine.. I just don’t want to waste anyone’s time

Update: so I called the on call nurse finally. And she said bc it is constant cramping she doesn’t think it’s contractions. And that around this many weeks pregnant women release a hormone called relaxin (I think that’s what it’s called) and it prepares your body for labor and things start to slowly open up. It can cause cramping and discomfort. So she said that could possibly be what it is. But basically told me to try and sleep and if it wakes me up or gets worse to definitely come in.