How Blessed am I?


Tonight, just like any night, I came in my room dreading the night that was ahead of me because for this entire pregnancy, my precious son has been adiment about kicking me out of bed. Let's just say mommy is running on fumes at the moment. But when I came in, and saw this my heart began to melt.

Sometimes, due to his tantrums, the impressive about of "no's" he attaches to the answer of each question, and how hard it is to get this kid to eat, I forget how lucky I truly am. I am the woman who lost one of her children to the cycle of disfuction and in the process lost myself. I'm still fighting everyday to prove that I am worthy enough to be a great mother to my oldest and I feel like Im failing miserably. Then I see this face and I realize something, I have come a long way, I am an amazing mother, and it is not my fault that someone else cannot see that. So, as much as it hurts me to do so, I have to let go and put my energy into this child I am currently raising and the one who will be here any day. They deserve all of me and it is not fair to them that I am so preoccupied in this never-ending struggle. I am blessed and I can't believe that there are times that I forget that. ❤