Pregnancy & Haircuts

Jennifer • Hopelessly in love with my soulmate, mother of four beautiful kiddos: 💕03/03/08, 💙05/06/10, 👼💙09/28/18 - 06/02/2020, 💙03/27/2022 and current expecting #5 in July

I never understood until now at 32 years old during my third pregnancy approaching 29 weeks why some women cut all their hair off during pregnancy. As I sit here typing this my back hurts my legs hurt my arms hurt my hips hurt and of course my belly makes everything so uncomfortable but aside from those aches and pains, my hair feels incredibly heavy and almost feels painful! I have thick long hair, I always have, but recently within the last couple of weeks I have had a very strong urge just to lop it all off. It is uncomfortable to have it down, it's uncomfortable to have it up..... I fully understand now why some women go for the bob or similar during pregnancy!! The problem is that I have an extremely round face, having short hair seems to just accentuate that. I truly wish right now I could be like some of you and look amazing with short hair because my God it would feel fantastic I bet 👍

This photo doesn't do it much justice but I have very long thick and extremely heavy hair. The kind of hair that strangers reach out and touch in the supermarket. I have always loved my hair and it has certainly been a huge part of my physical identity but right now I could shave it off and be happy as a clam! Anyone else feeling this way?