Ladies- find you one like this.

Sierra • 7.13.12 ❤ 7.22.15 💍 6.26.16❤❤ 6.7.17💔 12.23.17💔wife. mother. daughter of Christ.

Alright ladies, so I've had a fairly long week.

I'm a mother of 2 and I babysit 2 littles girls 4 days a week (both under 2)

and on top of that my church had VBS this week and I had volunteered to run the nursery.

So all week I've loaded up 6 kids (I was driving the 2 older siblings of my charges back and forth to church)

hung out at VBS for 4 hours come home, kept my littles until their normal pick up time. I've gone to the gym, made meals for my family, and kept the house in a livable state.

so come yesterday (Friday) I was done lol

So after loading up once more to go to our end of VBS program and coming home late I went to my bedroom to get everything ready for bed.

i came back into the kitchen and find my husband like this:

my husband has always been wonderful about lending a hand when I'm falling behind or not feeling well (I suffer from chronic migraines and so on occasion he has to make dinner and keep the kids busy while I try not to die of pain lol)

but this just helped my heart today....he works a very physical outdoor job for his family's ranch, it was late, there were only a few dishes in the sink they could have totally waited until morning. but he knew that I had a million things to do. our daughters 6th birthday party is today and he knew I still had to stay up and make a millions cookie ice cream sandwiches and knew that I'd totally be stressing over cleaning out the sink before I started.

so he just jumped in a loaded the dishwasher (even hand washing the few items he knew I needed.)

on top of all that, I came home from the gym and the store this morning and he was making me lunch! after lunch he told me to.go lay down for a bit and rest and when I got up a little later I found both my children napping and my whole kitchen clean and party ready!

I very very rarely make sappy posts about my hubby, but man has he gone above and beyond this week.

for those young ladies still searching for mister right, take note. this is a real man ;)