How do I tell him?

When I was 14, I was raped by my brother. (My dads son, not my moms) my dad didn’t cut him out of his life. I don’t think he really knew what to do, you could tell it messed him up though.

After 2 years, my brother was arrested and went to jail for only 6 months. During that time, my dad and other siblings supported him. Paid his rent, sent him money, etc.

It’s been years since it happened. Im about to be 20. However, since then my family, all but my dad has isolated me. I have not talked to my siblings since, or anyone else on my dads side as they seemed to take his side. My dad continues to see him regularly.

About 5 times a year, my 3 siblings (including my brother) my dad, his wife, and all their grandkids go camping, or some other big thing. Sometimes for up to 2 weeks at a time. I’m always told about it but never once have I been invited. When they have family parties, he’s invited before me and only if he chooses not to come do I get an invite. This absolutely kills me but I find it way too hard to just bring it up. I tried to cut my dad out a few times but I don’t have the heart to do it. I grew up a daddies girl. I don’t have a mom or any other family so I think that’s why. My daughter adores my dad. But this just hurts so much.

They even all have family pictures and I’m not in them. I don’t even get invited to do things one on one with him. But he has always been a good father in every other aspect. For example not long ago I broke down in another state, over 10 hours away and he drove all the way there just to pick me up.

I just don’t know what to do at this point