

My SO has a day job and as do I. He also makes YouTube videos as a main part of his income. Every time he gets a check from either job he always tells me; “It’s my money and I will do with it what I want” or most recently, “You can tell me what to do with my money all you want but that doesn’t mean I’m going to listen”. He tells me he wants us to be a team and do everything together and get married and all that but I constantly buy things for him or groceries, takeout, cigarettes, beer. Yet his money is his money but my money is “our” money. If I ask for his debit card to buy something for use and he gives it but I don’t understand why his money is his when mine is ours... I’m just getting really upset at this point and I’ve tried to speak to him about it and literally nothing changes. 😔 I’m just so sad honestly and I don’t know what to even say to him anymore..