I really need some advice!


Hey ladies, so I was dating this guy for about 8 months and he had a drug problem he was clean for 10 months when we started dating and 8 months later he relapsed and I broke it off with him because he was asking me for money and it was uncomfortable. Well 6 weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I told him and basically he told me it wasn’t a good idea and he wasn’t ready for another kid ( he has a 12 year old girl) which i respected his honesty. I decided to have the baby anyway. After that convo I didn’t hear from him at all and when I found out it was a boy I informed him and he again just said this isn’t a good idea. I kept it pretty quiet and only told my family about the pregnancy and at 20 weeks pregnant I announced it on facebook because I am excited to have another baby ( I have a 7 year old girl) I felt like keeping it a secret was taking away from me being happy and enjoying this pregnancy. Well when I announced he deleted me on Facebook. And I don’t really care about fb and him deleting me but I deff felt some type of way after. I don’t know if I should even tell him when the baby is born or inform him on anything. I just really don’t know what to do. Obv he is not concerned about this baby if he doesn’t keep in contact at all. I had to go for all those Down syndrome testing and stuff because I don’t know much about his family and we don’t talk for me to even ask him questions. Idk if o should reach out to his mother what if she wants to be apart of this baby’s life. But then again I don’t want to be that girl who goes and tells his mommy. And he is 34 years old! I know he told me straight up that he didn’t think this was a good idea but by that point the baby was already here. And in 2015 I was told my chances of having another baby was slim to none because of a surgery I had. So I felt like this was gods plan not mine. Ugh I am so confused on what I should do. If I should try to reach out to him again or wait for him to reach out to me? Do I tell him when the baby is coming? (I’m 22 weeks today) there is plenty of time for that but it is really weighing on me. Do I take him to court for child support when the baby comes? Or do I just do this on my own since it was my decision to keep he baby. I’d really appreciate what ur guys thoughts are. And please be honest. Thank you guys in advance 😞😔😩