Coming out to... MYSELF at 22 years old😱

Aleah • 23🍾Tattoo artist in the making🤗 engaged💍❤️ Mommy of an 👼🏻 2016

With a little help from my fiancé, I have finally accepted my sexuality. I have always been interested in both men and women but always thought it was just a “phase”. I convinced myself I was straight and I actually backed it up by telling myself I couldn’t be bisexual because I’ve never actually dated a female. Well, the actions are only one part of it... it’s about the physical and EMOTIONAL attraction as well. I have already found the loml and the man whom I plan on having children with but it’s such a weight lifted off of my shoulders finally being comfortable with who I am. It’s not something I’m going to shout from the roof tops about or go and broadcast but I definitely won’t be scared to embrace who I am anymore. Almost 23 years old and I’m still finding myself... it feels amazing. Be you, unapologetically🙏🏼

P.S. I’ll totally tell my fiancé that I think a girl is beautiful while we’re out in public and he automatically thinks I wanna bang her lol boy bye🤚🏼 he’s totally joking lol we both get a really good laugh out of it but he loves that I am accepting myself and he is also very accepting of who I am. He has been so supportive with both this situation and everything else I’ve gone through. It’s nice to have a best friend and a significant other all in one❤️