36 wks 3 days, dialating baby head down


Just left my appt and baby is currently measuring 6.8-7.8 pounds (36 weeks 2nd baby) he’s waaay down in my pelvis. I’m 3cm dialated, cervix is thinned out and favorable and he can feel babies head. I wasn’t prepared for that! So, he said he’s ok if I want to schedule induction for 39 weeks (aug 3) if I haven’t delivered before then naturally. I lost my mucus plug 2 days ago, no blood. I know women stay dialated for long periods of time but considering I have contractions off and on that obviously are changing my cervix and the fact he can feel baby’s head I can’t help but think it could be anytime?! Idk. What do you guys think? Do I need to chill out? Lol