Had my girl Friday the 13th


So, 2am this past Friday morning (July 13th) I woke up to go pee and my underwear was soaked. I knew it was my water leaking. Contractions started shortly after and stayed around 7 minutes apart for a few hours then tapered off. Had my bloody show just before my contractions stopped. I took a walk once my 2 year old woke up and we went to the park to try to get things going again. It worked. Took a nap and contractions started up again around 2pm, steady and 3-5 min apart. They got more intense. Oh I need to add, I went to the birthing center around 11am to get checked for amniotic fluid and they told me it was negative and I was 3cm 70% effaced. I had a home birth planned. So back to 2pm, I labored at home till 4, where I knew I couldn't do this at home and wanted to go to the hospital to get an epidural knowing I couldn't take the pain or how long labor would be. I chickened out yes lol. Good thing I transferred though cause they tested me for fluid and it was positive! I was at 5cm and asked for the epidural asap. Didn't get it till around 6pm. I was still at 5cm too. Took 3 tries but it finally took. First time, it hit a nerve and sent electric feeling shocks down my leg which hurt SO BAD! Within 15 min, I was numb and happy. From that point, I progressed so fast. Her heart rate dipped once but a change in position fixed that. Went from 5 to 10 cm within 3 hours. Was ready to push by 8:50ish. Pushed her out in 5 pushes which took like 2 min and she was out. Had 2nd degree tearing in 2 places. One on my labia and another by my rectum but pushing her out was so easy!! I could still feel her crown and everything. I can't believe how fast and smooth it all went. My last birth, the epidural slowed my labor. this time it sped it up. Who knows how long I would've been in labor if I stayed home. "Adriana Kinsley" was born at 8:57pm weighing 7 pounds 10 oz and 20 inches long. I was GBS positive and could only get the first dose of antibiotics since labor was short, but we stayed the 48 hours to monitor her, and all is good. So blessed to have my perfect healthy girl!💕🎀