My birth story at 17 UPDATE#2

Ray • Teen Mom with baby #1 💓👶

a while back when my son was a few weeks old I did a post on here of my birth story at 17. I explained how when I was 20 something weeks pregnant my dad kicked me out of his house where me and my fiance was staying, it was in the middle of winter 4 in the morning, when he kicked me out we stayed in my fiance's car for a little while then at a campground in our camper for about over a week then his grandparents were nice enough and let us move our camper there. we stayed in a 22 foot camper very old with no running water and obviously not fit for a baby. three to four weeks before I had my son Rayden, we moved into a one-bedroom one-bathroom apartment that was decent but not where we wanted to be for a very long time. the first post I posted on here about it I was so excited because we finally got our own place. well fast forward a little bit living at them Apartments for good 3 months our landlord called us and wanted us to look at her house because she was moving and she knew we just had a newborn and we really wanted to get out of them Apartments.while we went and looked at her house and it was me and my fiance's dream house somewhere where we wanted our baby to grow up and call home. we finally said bye to them apartments and never looked back now we've been living at our dream house for a month we've been a lot happier me and my fiance's relationship has gotten healthier and we have a happy health son. I am not happy with all that has happened in the past a few months with getting kicked out nowhere to go living in a camper but I am glad that it all happened because we got our Dream House that we would have never expected that we would have we have a beautiful son and God is very good. I was in labor with my son for 12 and a half hours I was exactly 39 weeks my water broke at 12 12:30 midnight and I had him 1229 the next afternoon. he was 6 lb 7 oz 19 in Long he looks just like his dad and it is hard for being 17 and a mother but I have not met anybody who was my age that is this happy and has my kind of life we are blessed and I'm happy to call myself a mother regardless of what age I am. My son saved me, my son is my everything. I have lost a lot of family that I don't ever see I lost a lot of friends I got kicked out of the house that I lived in for 17 years but everything happens for a reason and I see that reason now. so please when life gets down and even very very down please keep going and never give up I wanted to give up but looking at where I'm at now I'm happy that I didn't.

when he was 2 weeks

and I do believe that saying God gives you a baby when you need a reason to live.