Not not trying.


So I had been a single mom for 5 years before my fiancé came along. He proposed in April. Our wedding date is set for next September. We have 3 girls between us. He has 2 from his previous marriage and I just have my one. We want to have a boy (obviously) but it’s not our choice.

So I got glow. Mostly to track my period and ovulation so I would know when we needed to be more careful. But I’ve noticed I’m a little irregular. I’ll be good for a couple months then be off a week or two and then go back into my normal cycle.

So now. We actually ended up having sex the day before my Ovulation date and the day of because I didn’t open my app and pay attention.

I’m 15 days late today. I took a test 3 days ago, but it was negative.

I will mention. I didn’t get a positive test with my daughter until I was 5 months pregnant. And it’s only because I was getting ready to go into the military and went and did some blood work and everything before I left and pregnancy test was included because why not. 🤷🏻‍♀️

So. Should I just go straight for a blood test? Do tests just not work for me? I mean I may not be pregnant at all.