No peace

I’m a FTM. Everything was fine until my husband parents came in to help us with a baby. They are going to stay until December. It’s been hell. My husband supports in everything, but he’s not with this. We live in LA. Daycares are super expensive and there’s a huge waitlist. I’m a student. So, financially it’s hard. I had no options but to say yes to him. Just three of us ( me, husband and the baby) were happy before they were coming. Even though my baby wants to be held all the time. Even though I wasn’t able to eat because he wants to be held. We were happy. I was happy. I kept my house very clean. I can’t stand it. His mother and father both made my house worst. Whatever with a housekeeping, I’m trying to digest. But, with my baby, his stupid dad shaking him. Either legs or his fragile hands or the whole him. We literally told him several times. But, again he’s doing the same thing. I’m inside my room all the time with a baby. Because, I’m afraid to get out even to eat or pee, he will grab my baby and won’t handle well. They also inside their room. My husband says we have to take them out. I said wtf I have to. I want to be alone with my baby. It’s so much negativity in the house. I found a good and cheap daycare. But my husband is not ready to kick them out or those people never seem to leave. I just wanna be happy and peaceful with my baby. I don’t with his mother, because she was acting like a b**. So, I stopped talking. I don’t know how to make them leave.