Soo annoyed and pissed at my husband..

Rima • 28 years old. Married 5/11/2014 💍❤️ 🧒🏻👧🏻👶🏻


Am i wrong for this or what? Please tell me... but i have lived in TN for about 2 years now and before i used to live in Houston for most of my life i miss sooo much. Anyways like i said i have been 2 tears i have no friends or anyone to talk to... im always home alone with our 2 year okd and im 15 weeks pregnant. Hes always working and when hes not working hes always with his friend hes never home... when hes out with friend and this is the part that annoys me he said oh ill be gone 2 hours or i need to see my friend downstairs just give me 20 minutes and it turn to 2-4 more hours... i hate being alone... hes never home and when he is he is home for like 2 or 3 hours max and the he ALWAYS has something to do and has to leave the house... like its not fair im always cooped up in the house cooking and cleaning , grocery shopping and taking of our daughter and doing laundry and potty training and everything NOT to mention im 15 weeks pregnant and i barley sleep at night most nights i get 3-4 hours of sleep before our daugther is up and the only reason i do that is because at night is our alone time but he’d much rather be with his friend than me. Another example is sometime when its our alone time and we r sitting laughing and talking and just having fun being together he get a phone call from his friends and as soon and he they say come hang with us he just gets and leaves.... like its not fair... and when hes out with friends i never know when hes coming home... like i said before he says oh 2 hour max or whatever but most nights he will leave at like 10 or 11 at night which to me is already super late but to him apparently its just the beginning and doesnt show up till like 3 or 4 am. What im trying to say with all this is am i wrong to be pissed and mad and annoyed and stuff with him..?? Am i overreacting? I dont think i am... guys i need help :/ advice anything... im tired of all this and his argument is so? I work for everything and im like idgaf that you work i used to work and be a housewife. He just works and eats and sleeps and sees his fkin friends! Im soooo pissed!