
I found out today that I’m allergic to all birth control except for a certain IUD. However, I’ve read online about the side effects and some horrible stories of how it went wrong. I’m really scared to do it, but my husband wants to, because he doesn’t want anymore kids. Any advice?


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Posted at
If it was me... my husband would be getting a snip-snip before I would get an IUD 😬


Posted at
I don't know which iud you're looking into (assuming copper) but I got mirena a year ago and LOVE IT!! Getting it out in wasn't even slightly enjoyable but not worrying about more babies and no periods have definitely made it worth its while. If you're not comfortable though theres always condoms or a vasectomy


🌸💙💙💖🌸 • Jul 20, 2018
getting it put in*


Posted at
Read up on positive stories? Don’t fill your head with negativity. Also, I’d recommend an ob/gyn to do it and not your family practice. I woke at a drs office and have heard people say it is night and day


Posted at
I LOVED my IUD. The benefits outweigh the cons SO much that it was worth it to me. I want kids (I’m pregnant with our first, and we plan to have maybe 4-5 in total) so an IUD was an easy choice. If your husband doesn’t want anymore kids tell him he can go get the procedure if that’s the case. If you feel uncomfortable to getting the IUD just ask your OBGYN to explain everything to you.


Posted at
How did you find out you were allergic to birth control? I started taking pills well a few weeks ago, took them for maybe 5 days, first time in my life and then one day out of no where I woke up with hives all over my body which I've never had before


Trosa • Jul 19, 2018
Years ago I got the depo shot but I experienced so many side effects it was bad, a month ago I started taking bc pills called Heather which the side effects were also horrible and I got hives then the doctor gave me these other bc pills which are liquid ones but same so I stopped taking them and on the 24th I'm going to the the mirena iud but I'm so scared about the side effects of it too 😩


Juliette • Jul 19, 2018
I had the depo shot a few years ago, and it threw me into anaphylactic shock for 2.5 months. I was hospitalized and wasn’t allowed to go out into the sunlight. After that, I was too scared to try anything else. I went to get put on it yesterday, and she said I was most likely allergic to the progestin in all of them