37 week appointment today


I had my last growth scan. She’s measuring about 5 pounds 10 ounces BUT her head was so far into my pelvis she didn’t get a very good/accurate measurement of her head so she said it’s probably off and she’s probably bigger. Anyways. 23rd percentile which is good.

Then I had the dr appointment. My dr doesn’t think I am going to make my August 6 scheduled induction and told me to be prepared to have her earlier. Which, I’m ok with but also we had the induction planned so my husband could come home from military training. But I know she’ll come when she’s ready. He also so when I do go into labor or when I am induced expect it to be fast, which I think is good news. So tonight, I pack my sons overnight bag and the rest of the hospital bag.

Even if she makes it to my induction date, she’ll be here in a bit over 2 weeks 😍