End of pregnancy irritations!

Does anyone else have family members (I’m talking aunts, cousins or sort of close friends) that call or text you and ask how your appointment was that day, or if the baby is born, or saying “I think baby will come today!” EVERY SINGLE DAY

First of all, my appointment was just like every other appointment. Also, that’s my privacy I don’t have to share with you what the doctor says every damn time I go in!

Second, if the baby were here I would tell you. Or I will tell you when I’m ready.

Third, it’s extremely exhausting just waiting and anticipating for you labor to begin so you can meet your little one. Hearing when people think the baby will be born every single day gets old and very irritating.

Maybe I am just a private person and this doesn’t bother others as much as it bothers me. I just had to let it out and VENT!