Nervous Due to my Crazy Medical History


Jan 2017 I had my whole small bowel removed and I've had 3 miscarriages before I knew I had a rare blood clot condition (which the doctor say is most likely what caused them). I didn't think I could sustain a pregnancy because I take a very high dose of blood thinner daily. I had a dream I was telling someone I hate my bf when I'm pregnant so I woke up and got a test and i was surprised to see it positive. I went straight to the hospital to check if everything's ok. ultrasound tech couldn't see through my surgery scar down the middle my whole stomach so they did the invasive ultrasound and said they saw a sack but to early to hear a heart beat. I've been cramping for weeks now but today it's worse. I'm due March 20th I'm 5 weeks and 2 days so I've been told that the cramps could be due to my uterus growing and it can hurt worse when the baby is transitioning into having a heart beat etc. Praying and hoping for the best.