Am I wrong?!

Let me start of by saying, I feel like I'm right in this situation.

So today my SIL took my 2 year old (along with a family friend) to "eat". They left around 6pm & literally JUST got home about 30 mins ago. (it's currently 1:10am) Our family friend took them to a boardwalk carnival place about 1hr 45mins from us. WITHOUT ASKING. They called when they were leaving to tell us they'd be home shortly & that they had just left said carnival & were gonna stop for some food & then be on their way home. I AM LIVID. Currently, my SO is unemployed & we can't do the things we want (like take her to this place) with her & enjoy her firsts & see the excitement she gets. When they arrived home, they showed of the photo drawings (ya know, the ones with the big heads) & it took every ounce of me not to cry & pop off. They know I'm seriously pissed off so not much has been said but SIL apologized via text. Which honestly, isn't the best way to apologize in my opinion.

I'm upset most because between our home & this place, ANYTHING could've happened. We wouldn't have known where to search for them. & If an accident occurred, it would take us a while to get there. I'm so mad, yall.

So I need to know, am I wrong for this? Or am I overreacting?!