could i finally be pregnant!!??!!


so i had sex two days before i ovulated and the day before i ovulated.

im due AF today but shes not here.

i usually have AF 2-3 days before this app predicts so not having AF on the day it says is double unusual for me.

ive also been having symptoms since monday. (5 days)



pain in hips, lower back and shoulders.

weeing more than normal.

loss of apetite.

twinges in my belly.

slight period pain.

i kept dreaming about periods and pregnancy last night.

i was super stressed yesterday.

i have had a couple headaches this week too.

and i just feel odd.

oh and everywhere i go i keep seeing newborn stuff or babys on tv.

some of the symptoms might be a coincidence but theres too many to ignore.

i did a test yesterday and the day before but both negative.

i got more tests last night but im too afraid to test incase its still a negative.

am i imagining this or could this be our month finally. been trying for almost a year ?