Is it possible to have Braxton Hicks at 15w?

MUM 👩‍👧‍👦

For about a week my uterus has been balling up into this bulge and it’s super tight and hard. It doesn’t necessarily hurt, it’s more just uncomfortable and aggravating but only lasts a couple minutes or less. The one shown in the picture lasted longer than the others and was probably the most uncomfortable with a slight cramp-feel.. anyone else experience this?? Or could Braxton Hicks be the reason????


It’s definitely Braxton Hicks! They begin around 7-8 weeks and some women feel them around 20 weeks! For a lot of second time moms it can be felt as soon as 12-15 weeks. It is completely normal, all it means is that your uterus is prepping itself for the long journey and of course the big finale! As long as it’s not causing any pain and is not happening more than I believe 5 times in an hour then there’s no need to worry unless you just really want to see your doctor which is also never a bad idea. I’ve replaced my original picture with a ‘during Braxton Hicks’ (top) and an ‘after Braxton Hicks’ (bottom) collage photo to show how my belly looks exactly when I do get Braxton Hicks in case anyone else is going through the same. I know it’s not a huge difference between the two but you can definitely see how my belly in the top photo is pushed out more than the bottom. Hope it helps someone! Good luck mommies!