Advice on how to tell in-laws I’m pregnant? (Unhappy in-laws)


My husbands parents aren’t nice people. We have a very strained relationship. I’m currently 10 weeks and DREADING telling them. Even if they are “happy” they will give us a lecture. I am 26 and my husband is 29 and we have been together since high school. We’ve been married for a year and a few months. We own our house and have good jobs. They just don’t like that I “took their baby” when we went to purchase our house two years ago his dad called him to say he was too young to be buying a house with me and that he needed to rethink it.

On our wedding day we were also celebrating our 9 year dating anniversary and they finally said “welcome to the family” and that I better “take care of their baby”

Tips on how to make this go easier?! I wanted to do it over the phone but I think that may make it worse. And I think a restaurant will be best so they can’t be TOO rude if they’re in public? But I can still ask for the check and leave if I need to.

Gosh you guys this is causing me SO much anxiety. Every time I think about it I want to throw up!