What would you do?


We got married a week ago. He didn’t propose because of how others treated him before me. I told him I didn’t want to commit to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> before we made a commitment to each other. So, we mutually agreed to get married. A week later, he proposed. I had already said yes but it was still cute. Long story short, I trust him. Fast forward to today, I’m doing laundry and I find a number in his pocket. Lisa. I don’t think he would cheat, or do anything respectful. However, I do t think that random numbers should be falling out of his pocket. So, I called him. I asked him who it belonged to and if it was important. He didn’t remember at first but then said he thought it was the number for the nurse at the doctors office. I was a little upset that he didn’t give it to me. A little upset that he didn’t take care of it or put it up. (Its shredded now) Also, I don’t think numbers should be in his pocket like that. While I do trust him, I find that somewhat disrespectful. When I asked him to just empty his own pockets, or leave footnotes on numbers that he keeps, he had an attitude. He insists that I shouldn’t have called him at all and that I should just trust him completely. I never thought he was cheating. I just am a little more old fashioned than he is. What would you have done? Did I overreact? Why am I so frustrated?