Should I be worried?


Ok so here’s the background story. me (18) and my boyfriend (let’s call him John; 19) have been together for a year and everything has been great. My only concern is his ex (let’s call her Shelly; 18) kinda. When I first met him they were together and I WANTED to be friends with Shelly because she was cool but considering my schedule I never was able to hang out with her at all. They dated 8 months and she betrayed him by lying about driving her ex’s car and hanging out with him behind johns back. After they broke up me and him dated about 4 months later (Shelly moved on after 1 month) and just so you guys know me and John did NOT have feelings for each other while he was dating Shelly. Their breakup had NOTHING to do with me.

Fast forward to a year

She’s in a relationship with her new man (let’s call him Phil 19) and Shelly and John have not spoken at all he unfollowed her on all social media’s and he wanted nothing to do with her at all because he hated the whole “communication with your ex” thing because it ruins relationships.

Me and my boyfriend discuss everything we always mention if anyone hits on us and we are always honest. We both have never cheated and we have the same relationship beliefs.

Here’s why I worry

So my boyfriend went through a very tough time he was thinking about suicide and his mom was taking large money from him he earned through his job and his talent (making clothes; he’s an artist) and his dad worrying about his appearance instead of his mental health. John vent to social media about everything that was going on (he never does that but this was a cry for help) and shelly was one of the people to respond (I didn’t mind, I just wanted him to get help and she was able to relate to him) after they talked he told me about their entire conversation and said that they cleared the tension between each other and they were on better terms. I talked to her on the phone after they talked clearing the tension between us as well (she seemed to be over him). I explained to John after our conversation that I wasn’t entirely comfortable with him talking to her because she’s his ex and he was still in his feelings. He agreed with me and then we scheduled to meet up one day so we could all talk in person. When that day came we all obviously separated into different lifestyles and Shelly and Philip had moved in together and they are into things that me and John are not interested in like doing random drugs and such. After meeting Phillip and Shelly I had a very long talk with John and told him that it was ok to communicate with her. But that John is not her man and she is not his priority anymore. I trust HIM and I set boundaries and told him as a boyfriend he should know what is appropriate and what’s not. (Not talking to her about our problems, not going to her house or on a date, not being her shoulder to cry on and shit like that) I warned him that if I get the slightest feeling something is going on between them then it’s OVER between us.

I’m hoping we can all be mature and stick to our word. Should I worry? At this point I don’t know how to feel...