Waiting is horrible!!

I went to the ER Tuesday for some bleeding and cramps. According to my last period I should be 5 weeks well my Hcg level was only 157 which is really low for being 5 weeks. I could be earlier than that idk. They did a transvaginal ultrasound and of course didn’t see anything since I’m so early. I haven’t had bleeding since Tuesday no clots. I’ll have some blood when I whip but nothing leaking and not a lot. The ER wanted to redo my Hcg levels to see if they raised or not. I did it at 630 this morning and still haven’t heard anything back. I called my OB at 9 to see if they can see the results and of course they don’t see anything not even my ER visit. They should have the same system we’ll come to find out the ER has the same system but I guess isn’t set up fully. My OB already knew about me going to the ER. Now I’m playing the waiting game until Monday!!! I have an appt Monday morning and hopefully they’ll have the results by then or I’ll have to get it done again!! I work in the hospital system and really wish I could look up my own records but it is not worth getting fired over!! I only posted anonymous because of my last comment lol.


Thank you all for your thoughts but I did find out my Hcg levels did drop to 78. I have an appt Monday to get it done again.