Doctor is concerned should I be?

Brittany • Thomas Eugene 👶🏻💙 Baby #2 coming soon! (Hopefully)

I am 20 weeks pregnant (yay half way there!!!) and 3 of the 5 times I’ve went for my normal every 4 weeks appointments they have said that my blood pressure has been high yes I was over weight before I got pregnant and I still am and I don’t have the best diet ever considering I live alone so cooking meals every night isn’t really something I do it’s either heating up a TV or just snack on stuff occasionally my mom will come over and cook real food ... here’s the thing with my doctor I never see the same doctor every appointment it’s always different ones at my last appointment the lady told me that it was high but not high enough for medication but high enough to watch and monitor today the guy told me that I have several “risk factors” that have never been addressed to me and he didn’t even tell me what those risk factors were and that I will need my blood tested EVERY MONTH so literally every appointment I will have to get blood work it just frustrates me that one doctor will tell me one thing then 4 weeks later I come back and it’s a totally different doctor who tells me something different like I asked today if I’m considered high risk due to these “risk factors” and he totally acted like I didn’t even say anything if I knew what these risk factors were I would address them and try to limit them the best I can but no one will tell me what the risk factors are and I’m actually highly pissed about it I think my next appointment I’m going to suggest that I see the same doctor each time cuz it seems like there’s no communication on what the treatment plan is for the high blood pressure at this point I’m not sure if I should worry or not considering all there doing is watching it and baby’s growth (even tho they have done zero extra scans to check his growth)what is anyone else’s opinion on this help me