Hunting Deer in Shakespeare lmao 🤣


(no deer were harmed in the making of this story)

Oml this is so immature, but it's hilarious.

ok so I was in a Shakespeare camp, we're doing Love's Labour's Lost. there is a scene where the princess is hunting deer. so I played a deer, and Nathaniel (one of the only semi sane people in the play). but anyway, Holofernes, Nathaniel old teacher, writes a poem about this. So there's like a scene and a half sbout hunting deer.

but right before the show, the day before, our director tells us a little insight on that scene. They said how Shakespeare had to appeal to less educated audiences, ones who don't understsnd Latin puns. so he added things they understood like slapstick and dirty jokes.

so in France at the time "hunting deer" was a slang term for masturbation. so we pretty much died of laughter running lines. Like one line from Berowne: "the king is hunting deer. I am coursing myself. Ay me." we all just went "Ayyy meeee...."

And Holofernes' poem? so I have to be eager to hear a poem of the princess hunting deer. so before I said my line I said "yeah have fun with your creepy fanfic!" (No offense to fanfic, but it's people Holofernes personally knows.)

So we had a myriad of dirty jokes up our sleeves. Like once, we played this game where there's a boss (or ruler for our play) and two employees (or servants for our play) and the boss interview one while the other does silly things behind their back. So the boss turns around and the silly one stops and has to explain what they're doing. So you could be screwing up the height of the chair they're In, and say you're making sure the floor is secure. Then they interview while the other does silly things. Then after a while they hire one fire one.

But I digress, anyway, Riley was the employee applying. And his silly thing was humping the floor... so the boss turned and asked what he was doing, and I casually shouted out through the laughter and chatter, "hunting deer" and everyone died. Especially Dylan who I said it to and also he laughs really loudly. But I'm off track. The point is, hunting deer.