Husbands response was not what I expected

Tree • 💙3-15-16❤3-22-18💙3-28-19

A little long..sorry

So I found out 2 days ago I'm pregnant with baby #3 which was absolutely not planned. (Yes hubby and I knew risk and not everything is 100% and not what this post is about) I'm 4mths pp!! Waiting on second period to get the iud but it didn't happen.

Anyways..I was so scared to tell my husband (after talks we have had about not wanting anymore kids) but wanted to do it sooner than later. I tested Thursday because I felt "off" and I've been lightly cramping here and there. The test was positive so I immediately called my ob for a blood test and got the results yesterday. I have to go for another test Monday to make sure my levels are going up because right now they are low.

So I told my husband yesterday and was so scared/nervous. I didn't know how to go about it and didn't want to do anything cute so I asked if I seemed off or different here lately and he said no. I said I'm pregnant. And he thought I was joking which if anyone knows me that's one thing I def wouldn't joke about! He said no your not and I got a very serious look on my face and he said no and I started crying. He took a min and grabbed me and started smiling and said hey it will be ok we've got this. He goes I knew you were and asked the other day(before I tested). We had a long talk that was positive and he had a lot of encouraging words. He said you don't have to cry or be sad this is a good thing. Like his response was not at all like I had imagined. He was slightly upset that I didn't tell him right away(like our other 2) but he understood. It makes me happy that no matter what my husband is always there for me and our family.