Glucose tolerance test.



Is there any other option to the glucose tolerance test and has anyone tried them? I am 27 weeks and 6 days. Monday will be my FOURTH yes I said FOURTH time attempting to take this terrible glucose test. 😫

the first time I went in to take it (the one hour glucose test) I threw up Immediately after I was done. My nurse said no big deal come back next week and eat before you take it. I came back took the one hour AGAIN, felt extremely nauseous but I got through it annnnnnddd of course got the call Monday that I failed. 🙃

I went back in to take the 3 hour test this week, witch I definitely couldn’t eat for, I finished my drink, sat there for 50 minutes feeling HORRIBLE, and you guessed it tossed my cookies. 🤮🙄 I DO NOT want to have to do this again. Even though I’m almost 28 weeks pregnant I still get pretty morning sick and will throw up at my house if I do not eat immediately after I wake up. Ladies do you have any suggestions? I know there are other options, I am just personally uneducated about them. Really need the help 🙏, thanks in advance. 😊