I could use someone to talk to pls.


So this might be long but I’m not sure, here we go.

So basically I have anxiety and it’s very bad at the moment and I got a new job, I didn’t have a job for 3 months but I got a new one and soon as that happened my anxiety has went down hill.

When I get anxiety it’s always in the morning always, I always wake up really early with;

1. The shakes

2. Diarrhea (don’t remember the last time a had a solid poop )

3. Sweats

4. Stomach aches

5. Nausea

So recently it’s mostly been the shakes,Diarrhea and the sweats and sometimes stomach aches but this has been going on for 3 weeks I swear to god idk what to do. I’m so tired of feeling anxious all the time and I’m so tired of feeling sick.

This is my first time in retail and they aren’t training me properly and it’s causing me so stress because everyone’s says that they don’t really train you and I’m the type of person who needs to be worked with hands on so I’ll learn quicker rather than watching.

I’ve asked to be trained right and nothing’s changed I’ve only been there a month and I’ve already had 3 mental break downs. I’m trying to get my old job back because I know what I’m doing there and I worked with animals I miss it.

My anxiety feels so unbearable. I’m afraid to sleep because I know I’m the morning I’ll get sick. This has been going on for so long I’m so tired of it I need help idk what to do. If anyone has tricks to stop these episodes in the morning pls help 💗