so confused

It would be helpful if someone could tell me what they think is going on and whether im being stupid. I have been with my husband for 5 years and married for almost 1. He knows i have wanted a baby for the last 3 years and we agreed to get married first. So we did. I also suffer with depression and anxiety and i am currently in the process of reducing my medication. Over the last few months i have been getting checked by the hospital and doctors for me periods as they are badly irregular but before that me and my husband werent trying but werent exactly preventing. he would say things about having a baby and it really made me feel that he wanted one as much as i do. now i have the all clear from the doctors i am also taking folic acid which he knows about and now he says things like he wants to fill me up etc (sorry about detail) but he still wont wear any condoms or anything but says we cant afford a baby and that we cant run the house aswell (first home) and i feel were managing just fine no issues whatsoever. i feel so confused i dont know what to think or feel as this is just affecting my anxiety and depression. i dont even know where to start to talk to him about it as whenever we talk about having a baby it turns into an argument. what are your thoughts?