Love when they think they’re entitled...

I’ll try to make this as short as possible! Husband got into a huge fight with his dad and step mom, because his dad said we could use HIS truck cause our AC (at the time) shit the bed and it’s been crazy hot here and it’s impossible to drive in a hot car with a baby. We live 3 hours away (6 hours round trip) and have done MANY MANY favours! Including taking all 3 of us down to go drive his dad and step mom (who can drive) to his dads appointments multiple times spending 8 hours of the day just driving 🙄 not to mention driving to pick them up to come up to our house so they can see our son as his dad got his fourth DUI and can’t drive till next year still. My husband and his step mom always had a rocky relationship but it was good for a while and all within the last year it seems as if they think they’re entitled to have my husband and I bend over backwards for them every time they want something. We started putting our foots down months ago. Stopped wasting our gas and mileage. Step mom ended up blowing up at my husband for asking to use the vehicle, even though when it comes to her kids it’s okay for them to use the truck for 9 months and even damage it but we can’t use it when our car shits the bed. Anyways haven’t been talking to either of them cause his dad can’t stand up for his own son. Husband had enough of her bullshit, she can’t even call my husband herself and issue an apology for her negative Nancy & piss poor attitude. His dad hasn’t been so nice to me either always making rude ass comments. So my husband didn’t want them knowing our business like how we’re about to possibly get a new vehicle sometime in the next week or so. Husband had me remove them from our social media accounts. (His therapist said he has the right to cut anyone out whom he feels is nothing but negative) anyways this was about 3 weeks ago and now his dad keeps calling asking to add them back to Facebook all because they want to see pictures of our son, whom they feel they’re entitled to, but my husband grew up in a very abusive home as a child. So he has major trust issues and all this other stuff which is why he’s seeing a therapist. He was about to graduate therapy due to childhood abuse from his mom, but once he told her about part of this situation (cause a lot happened after the beginning of this too) she told my husband that he’s no longer graduating and that he needs more therapy from his dads abuse now. FYI his dad calls screaming at him more times in a year then I can count on both my hands and feet. I’m just sick of these people who feel they’re so entitled.

ALSO my husband even stated after all the stuff and driving and mileage and gas and money we put out they couldn’t do us this one favour? Her answer was “well that was your choice” lmfao, thanks for the slap in the face. Then has the balls to call us this morning and tell us the dates they’ll be at their campsite like they’re expecting us to visit? NOPE not happening, and OH who’s gonna drive their camper and truck? NOT HER OF COURSE. She only cares when it’s beneficial to her. Well they can kiss our asses cause we are done.