Stopping breastfeeding while pregnant.


Has anyone nursed through part of your 2nd+ pregnancy and then slowly weaned your older one? I’m including my specific story below, but in case you don’t want to read that much my main question is should I do anything to prevent engorgement or other problems once stopping nursing? I know there are things you can do to stop producing milk, but I’m guessing I don’t actually want to stop anything as my body is preparing to feed another baby.

My son was 9 months old and EBF when I became pregnant again. I continued to EBF until he was a year old (though I did wean him off night feedings around 10 months, since those were just comfort nursing and quite frankly I needed more sleep). After 1, he dropped a feeding on his own and then I replaced one feeding with a sippy cup of milk, so he was down to just nursing Morning and night and by 14 months he had dropped the morning feeding as well.

So he is now almost 15 months and I am nearly 6 months pregnant. In the last week or so nursing has become extremely painful for me, to be honest I’m not sure if it’s sensitivity or supply problems because of my pregnancy or if my body is just struggling to produce because I’m only nursing once every 24 hours, but either way I’ve reached my breaking point and called it quits on breastfeeding a few days ago. My son seems to be completely ok with it.