I’m terrified. 😭😭

Jordan • Momma to Sidney Phoenix 07/24/2018 💕 Became Mrs. Reynolds 08/11/2018 ❤️

I came into L&D; for contractions being 2-3 minutes apart on Sunday. (22 July.) They checked my dilation and I was still 2cm and 80% effaced. They checked my BP and it was 160/87 when I came in. They ordered labs and found my potassium was 2.3. The contractions hit 105 on their monitor and I was in tears from the pain.

My contractions still haven’t let up. They’re still 2-3 minutes apart, they haven’t checked for dilation since 7:00PM last night. My BP is 169/89 (checked 5 minutes ago.) The on-call doctor said that bc I’m 37 weeks tomorrow (Tuesday ) he would’ve induced me for the fact that I’m contracting, my Bp is so high, and my potassium is low just to make sure my baby is okay.

I’m terrified of being released, going to work on Wednesday and Thursday and then being 2+ hours away and going into labor after I have told the doctors several times how my contractions are and they can clearly see on the monitors. I’ve told my doctor this before, but she doesn’t listen!

My feet/legs are swollen and purple, my hand is swollen and purple. And the nurses and on-call doctor is more concerned about it than my own doctor! I don’t know what else to do 😭

Taken at 10:05PM 👇🏻

Taken at 8:37PM 👇🏻