So scarred!!!


So today I had a doc appt. I saw my doc and told her of all my itching and how with my 2nd child (11 years ago) the docs thought I had acute fatty liver of pregnancy and I had gotten so sick, so they took her at 36 weeks. She was in the NICU for 3 weeks. very scary. Anyways the removed my gallbladder and I got better.

Fast forward to now: 30 weeks and 3 days. Asked for labs amd found my LFTs in the 300s...which is bad. Received a text from my OB on her personal phone sayi g I needed to go to L&D; immediately as my LFTs were very elevated, and a doc would be waiting on me.

I get to the hospital get more labs drawn and hooked up to the monitor. My doc comes in and says he needs to call my maternal fetal specialist for suggestions.

Looking at my history and current situation, they believe that I now have cholestasis, + a staph infection on my left groin from an infected hair follicle thats a quarter in size, and a UTI. whoop whoop. go me. So Im started on some meds and some mail out labs were sent off. I was sent home with follow ups for next week. Im just so scarred something is going to happen to my baby or myself. Ill be scheduled for a csection for 36 weeks after baby boys gets steroids for lung maturity. If my labs come back bad from the mail outs then I will most likely have to be admitted and looking at an even earlier delivery. Just a wait and see I guess. Due to high chance of stillborn, I going to do whatever it is my docs say to do. I just want my baby boy safe. Alright end of rant. wish me luck, pray for me please.