Family drama and I need help!

Brooke🌻 • • NC•

Okay so I’m gonna try to keep this the short version!

I’m 21 and my baby’s father is also 21. I was living in my college apartment and he is in the military. We’ve been dating for about 2 years and are engaged.

Anyway so I was living in my college apartment 2 hours from home but near where he is stationed when I got pregnant. The plan was we would save money and get a house together then get married. But it didn’t happen. He didn’t save money and didn’t want to get married right then.

So I moved back home with my parents and we broke up for about 2 weeks but now we are back together. Since then my parents have been basically paying for everything because I can’t work and the military doesn’t pay much for my fiancé so he hasn’t contributed a lot financially but he’s been emotionally supportive since and has always wanted to be involved with our daughter. Also back story he doesn’t have a good family life to follow on so he’s not really seen what a good dad looks like. He’s also 2 hours away and has to stay there due to being in the military he can only live so far from the base. He also works Monday-Friday so He can’t just pick up to come to everything or come over nightly to do whatever.

Fast forward to now, my parents are really upset with my fiancé and don’t want him to come to the baby shower. I’m living with my parents and not sure what to do. That’s my child’s father and we plan on getting married in September.

So now, do I bring him to the shower? Or do I respect my parents and not bring him even though it’s his child too?