I lost him...

Bri • Fire Fighter // EMT ♡

I lost the man I loved over the weekend... we’ve been through hell and back together within the 13 almost 14 months we’ve been together... I shared pretty much my life with him, including letting him move in with my family and I while he fixed up himself and got a job and car... but today, he’s grabbing his stuff and moving back in with his parents, over an hour and a half away... a month ago.. we discussed breaking up because I thought we should give each other some time and space away to fix ourselves a bit.. we fought pretty much everyday over the smallest of things.. it took me awhile to get him to agree and now that he does, I regret it... I miss him.. he was all I had left and I pushed him away.. I’ve tried everything I can to get him to come back but it’s over... all for good timing too because I just found out quite a few members of my family are ill.. and I’m losing friends left to right due to my depression.. I’ve never felt so alone in this world... I guess my hormones aren’t helping either, I’m on edge and I haven’t had my period since March.. tests say I’m not pregnant but idk what the hell is going on.. I haven’t been able to sleep and I’ve had countless amounts of anxiety attacks... I’m just so lost... idk what to do anymore..