What does this mean??

My boyfriend of ten months makes no sense, But he argued with me last week and said “are we happy?” And I said “I am” And he said “are you” and then he said “Because I went from wanting to see you everyday to not wanting to see you at all” and I immediately started crying, and I Started to pack my things, and I really don’t want to get hurt again, but I felt like the world was crumbling at my feet, and then he proceeded to hug me and say how he doesn’t like seeing me like that, and That he needs to try harder, and When I told my family about it they all said to leave him, but the truth is, I can’t leave him, I love him way too much.. and Some part of me knows I need to leave, but I wish that I knew if he’s gonna get better or not. 😭 why won’t he just leave if he’s so unhappy