Would this bother you?

I’m not sure what to do...

So about a year and a half ago, my husband of almost 6 years, got a promotion at his job which required us to move about an hour away from our hometown. He had this female coworker at his previous location that I always had a funny feeling about- she was always doting over him and giving him gifts at Christmas time or birthdays. I tried to let it go because he had assured me there was nothing there just an old work friend. Side note, she is also married.

Anyway within a week of moving into our new place he got a package from amazon- it was 3 new dress shirts. I asked him about them and he said that Sophia sent them to him as a congratulatory gift for his promotion. This woman sent my husband dress shirts in his exact measurements to our brand new house at an address that I didn’t even know yet! So I told him that made me super uncomfortable and that I wanted him to send them back. He agreed and that was it. About a week later I’m hanging up his laundry and I find those brand new shirts hanging up in his closet!!!! I was livid, and of course he wasn’t home so I sent him a text telling him that I didn’t know how to make it more clear to him that this was NOT okay with me and he needed to either donate them, trash them, or send them back. He ended up putting them in the donate stuff and life went on.

Fast forward 9 months to the birth of our 3rd baby and I see a text from her on his phone (no I wasn’t snooping- his messages aren’t hidden on the lock screen) about the gift card she sent for the baby’s birth- he had already spent it, not on baby stuff and didn’t bother to even tell me about it!! So I confront him and he said “well I didn’t want to upset you!” I told him I was more upset that he kept it hidden and at that point I didn’t want him accepting any more gifts from this woman or continuing to talk to her. He agrees.

A week later was the eclipse and we lived in the exact area it was supposed to be the clearest- he leaves his phone out and I see that he sent her a picture of it. So I confront him again and tell him I’m really not comfortable with him continuing this relationship with her. Again, he agrees and I don’t see or hear anything from her for a while.

Fast forward to 2 days ago- we have recently moved back to our hometown where she still is, and what do I see? Texts from her on his phone. It’s never anything super weird but it still makes me feel uncomfortable. I haven’t said anything to him, should I?

I just feel like I can’t trust him...
